Google map frames are generated from this site using URLs that look like this one
Use this link to get the distance between any two points on earth.

Generate a Map and Info for a new site.

Links to more site maps

↓ Blanchard West Launch ↓

Blanchard West Launch

↓ Blanchard South Launch ↓

Blanchard South Launch
377m 1240ft top to LZ at 2m 7ft → 1233 vertical feet.
:1   glide ratio from launch to lz.

Woodside to FlyBC Eagle Ranch LZ

Woodside to Riverside LZ

Bridal Falls

Mt St. Benedict.

↓ Black Mountain ↓

Has it's own page-- scroll down that page for individual launch info.

Vertical is: :1  glide ratio from launch to lz.

Stewart Mountain South Launch 3.6042 km

Stewart Mountain North Launch 3.4219 km

Stewart to Volvo Field.

Anderson Mountain Whatcom County near Lake Whatcom.
Anderson Mt NW launch to Ladies of the Lake landing strip LZ

Chelan to Soccer Fields

Chelan Butte to Junk Yard LZ



Create a new map for any site.

Input the coordinates and the elevation for the Site you would like to map. If you do not know the elevations, they will be looked up, but you will need to come back and enter them into this form.
Launch Latitude decimal degrees
Launch Longitude decimal degrees
Launch Elevation meters
LZ Latitude decimal degrees
LZ Longitude decimal degrees
LZ Elevation meters
Site Name

A map that allows lookup of approximate elevations is here.

Precise elevations can be obtained from Google using this form or a link like the one below, with any number of locations (sensor=false is necessary):,-122.126097|48.859920,-122.144899&sensor=false

The return is XML, but it is very simple and the elevation in meters can be read easily.