if( (plot_param .eq. "sfcwind") .or. (plot_param .eq. "bltopwind") .or. (plot_param .eq. "blwind") .or. (plot_param .eq. "blwindshear" ) )$ gsn_define_colormap(wks,"pgwind"); setvalues wks "wkColorMap": "pgwind" "wkForegroundColor" : (/.2,.2,1./) ;dark blue [optional] ; "wkForegroundColor" : (/0.,0.,0./) ;black "wkBackgroundColor" : (/.87, .96, 1./) ;light bluegreen [optional] end setvalues ; this sets the green purple orange range above 21 knots is red opts_ws@ContourParameters = (/ 3., 21., 3. /);The opts_ws line above must be used instead of the following explicit resource settings as contour maps seem to always be "calculated" within rasp.ncl
uv_res@vcLevelSelectionMode = "ExplicitLevels" ; will explicitly set the levels
uv_res@vcLevels = (/ 3.,6.,9.,12.,15.,18.,21. /) ;knots
uv_res@vcLevelColors = (/2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9/)
;; cloudcolors has progressive from white through light blue to gray to black if(( plot_param .eq. "blcloudpct" ) .or. ( plot_param .eq. "experimental2" ) .or. ( plot_param .eq. "wrf=CLDFRA" ) .or. \ ( plot_param .eq. "wrf=CFRACM" ) .or. ( plot_param .eq. "wrf=CFRACH" ) ) then gsn_define_colormap(wks,"cloudcolors"); setvalues wks "wkColorMap": "cloudcolors" "wkForegroundColor" : (/.2,.2,1./) "wkBackgroundColor" : (/.87, .96, 1./) end setvalues opts_bparam@ContourParameters = (/ 12.5, 87.5, 12.5 /) ; sets 8 levels for the above colors end if
if ( plot_param .eq. "wblmaxmin" ) then opts_bparam@ContourParameters = (/ -100., 300., 25. /); gsn_define_colormap(wks,"converge2"); was converge 10 colors now converge2 20 color setvalues wks "wkColorMap": "converge2" ; "wkForegroundColor" : (/.2,.2,1./) ;dark blue "wkBackgroundColor" : (/.87, .96, 1./) ;pale aquaish 222 245 255 end setvalues end if
rasp.site_load.contour-parameter.ncl: gsn_define_colormap(wks,"pgwind"); rasp.site_load.contour-parameter.ncl: gsn_define_colormap(wks,"converge2"); rasp.site_load.contour-parameter.ncl: gsn_define_colormap(wks,"cloudcolors"); rasp.site_load.pressure-level.ncl: gsn_define_colormap(wks,"converge2"); rasp.site_load.skewt.ncl:gsn_define_colormap(wks,"WhViBlGrYeOrReWh"); rasp.site_load.wind.ncl: gsn_define_colormap(wks,"pgwind");