Current Winds: Blanchard | Tiger | FtEbey
| East

Pages with access to all RASP output.

Big screens needed. Not recommended for smartphones/pda.

RASP Windgrams for Flying Sites

Direct links to images, No html, Opens new window.

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for fat fingers to resize
More links below.

Text tables of Rasp Map Links No-Javascript alternatives to view RASP maps Large simple tables that link to the images directly. Rasp Soundings have been discontinued in favor of more windgrams. Spring 2012

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for fat fingers to resize
More links below.

Four panel presentation - hourly - incomplete

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Blipspots blip by region NW to SE
Blipspots North:
Blipspot Grouse
Blipspot GrouseLZ
Blipspot Little Nick
Blipspot DeRoche
Blipspot Woodside
Blipspot Bridal Falls
Blipspot Sumas_Ca
Blipspot Center Fraser Valley

Blipspot Black North
Blipspot LippyHi
Blipspot LippyLo
Blipspot Black_LZ
Blipspot Red
Blipspot Beer Shrine
Blipspot BJ
Blipspot BJ LZ So.
Blipspot BJ High HG launch
Blipspot Stewart
Blipspot Stewart_LZ
Blipspot Sumas_US
Blipspot Sumas_US_LZ

Blipspot Blanchard
Blipspot Blanchard_LZ
Blipspot Burlington Airport KBVS
Blipspot Padilla Bay
Blipspot Bham Airport KBLI

Blipspots Central:
Blipspot Ft_Ebey
Blipspot Ft_Flagler
Blipspot Iron
Blipspot Penthouse
Blipspot Sauk
Blipspot Arlington
Blipspot Tiger
Blipspot Dog
Blipspot Rampart

Blipspots East:
Blipspot Chelan
Blipspot Farmer
Blipspot Mansfield
Blipspot Mazama
Blipspot Baldy
Blipspot Blipspot Saddle
Blipspot Quick Windonly for all sites.

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for fat fingers to resize
More links below.

Abbreviated current Winds pages for mobile devices. Blanchard current Winds
Tiger current Winds
Ft Ebey current Winds
East Side current Winds

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for fat fingers to resize
More links below.

mm5 soundings tables with urel vrel calculated to speed and direction :

Current Rapid Update Soundings for flying sites
Winds aloft Seatac & Vancouver
Visible Satellite zoomed
NWS forecasts
The Seattle Forecast Discussion

Parts of the Blanchard Page as Separate Pages

RASP links

Other parts of the Blanchard Page Bookmark your favorite parts instead of the whole page.

Original Source of these products (long)       Alternate source       List all Seattle text forecasts (long) Vis Sat      

Most NW relevant Text forecasts:

Not all are always produced. (e.g. Avalanche or Winter Storm) When a forecast is not being produced, the most recent version is still linked so be sure to look at dates on forecasts. Forecast discussions, Marine forecast, Straight of Juan deFuca forecasts are all updated 4 times every day.